Monday, February 6, 2012

This'n'That; February Sixth #1; Who Can....?!?

Which Candidate Is Most Capable?!?
    A given truism: "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has proven time-and-again over the past three-plus years that neither is he up to the task of righting the American economy, nor is he adept at finding those advisors whose advice will point the country in the right direction!!  As most of my blogs state: at any given moment, in any populated room "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" is the least experienced amongst said population.
    At the end of January, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released it's projections covering the years 2012 through 2022.  If we continue along the same path--with the same 'players'--a dismal future, indeed!!  "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has the country facing a deficit exceeding $1.1 TRILLION for 2012 and about the same level each year of the ten-year projection.
    The onus--dear friends--is on you and I to determine the most electable GOP candidate best equipped to manage the budget, reduce spending and bring the deficit under control.  Given the vast divergence of the three possible contestants, the act-of-choosing--as well as the resultant choice--will be of gargantuan importance!!
Willard Mitt Romney
*Mr Romney was offered and subsequently accepted the position of President and CEO of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games of 2002.  Mr Romney's crowning achievement as the olympic chief was the reversal of a $379 Million projected loss into a $100 Million profit.  (Not only did Mr and Mrs Romney donate $1 Million in personal funds to the olympics, Mr Romney donated the entirety of his $1.4 Million in salary and severance payments to charity.)
*As 'Candidate Romney,' he ran for the governorship of Massachusetts as a self-proclaimed 'moderate with progressive views.'  As Governor of Massachusetts, Governor Romney was faced with a democRATically controlled legislature.
*In the business world, Mitt Romney went into consultancy after graduation from Harvard--both the business and law schools--initally working for Boston Consulting Group (BCG).  He was then lured to Bain and CompanyBain was initially organized by former employees of BCG.  Mr Romney left Bain and Company to co-found Bain Capital in 1984.  Mr Romney's early successes were the formation of Staples, Inc., and the Sports Authority as well as turning around Domino's Pizza.
Newton "NewtGingrich:
  Newt--finally, after his third campaign--was elected to the U.S. House, taking office on January 3, 1979 and continued to be re-elected until he left his House seat (at other republicRATics' request) in January 3, 1999.   Newt's notable--and not-so-notable--accomplishments were the formation of the Congressional Military Reform Caucus (MRC-1981), the Congressional Space and Aviation Caucus (ASC-1981), the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS-1983).  While Mr Gingrich claims to be--and is viewed as the author of--the "Contract With America," the plan was actually authored by allegedly conservative economist Larry Hunter with lots of help from the Heritage Foundation, Representatives Gingrich, Robert Walker, Dick Armey, Bill Paxon, Tom DeLay, John Boehner as well as several principles from "Ronaldus-Magnus'" 1985 State of the Union Address.
    During most of his Congressional career, Mr Gingrich is viewed as a 'whiney-ass,' invariably ready to roll-over-and-play-dead to complete a personal objective, regardless of the affects on the American citizen; the American taxpayer.  While revealing and complaining about the House Banking Scandal , Gingrich was a lesser-participant--22 kited-checks including paying his taxes: IRS $9,463.00--compared with the worst violators: Rep Robinson (Ar,d) 996 kited checks; Rep Mrazek (NY-d) 990 kited checks!
    Newt Gingrich--so far as I can find--has never worked for wages in a private sector business as did Mr Romney and Mr Paul.  Before and after his stint in the House of Representatives, Mr Gingrich was either in acedemia or in public policy and consultancy positions.  Most recently, Mr Gingrich was noted for his fiery responses to the national media debate moderators.  These actions seem entirely for 'public consumption,' and Gingrich would never 'take-it-to' "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" in a presidential debate!!
Richard J. "RickSantorum:
 A career politician and lawyer, Mr Santorum thus far, has spent 4 years in the U.S. House and 12 years in the U.S. Senate.  During his federal tenure, he has been 'all-over-the-map' in political philosophy; from prohibiting employers from permanently replacing striking workers to exposing members of Congress involved in the House Banking ScandalMr Santorum has been accused of pandering to various ideological positions such as zionist organizations with his 'ideologocal diversity' which has been described as 'policing thought.'  Although never proven, it's been alleged Rick Santorum was involved in the 'K-Street Project.'  The 'project' involved demanding Washington lobbyists hire republicRATics for high-level positions and rewarding GOP lobbyists with access to high level republicRATic politicians.  As a debater 'Rick' can be proud of standing on his positions within the debated topics, rather than descending into name-calling and quasi-defamation.
Rick Santorum's private sector employment has been as a lawyer.  Most of his non-federal employment has been in the state and regional political arena.
Ronald E. "Ron" Paul:
In August 2012 (and on his improbable inauguration), Mr Paul will be 77 years old, plenty 'seasoned' for the U. S. presidency.  Never has an individual in his seventies been inaugurated president; "Ronaldus-Magnus" being the current oldest president at his first inauguration at 69 years, 11 months.  In comparison, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist"--in all his shining inexperience--was 47 years, 5 months at his first, last and only inauguration!
Mr Paul was educated in Pennsylvania, achieving a B.S. in biology as well as Duke University, School of Medicine, earning his medical degree in 1961.  Much to his credit, Ron Paul has refused to sign up for an entitled government pension, saying it would be 'hypocritical and immoral.'  During Mr Paul's 22-year tenure, he's sponsored 468+ pieces of legislation.  If the entire Congress had the same tenure and the same propensity for saddling the American citizens with ever more loss of independence and liberty, we'd have had 203,580 pieces of legislation!!  Who's to say we haven't had?!?
Ron Paul has not faired well during the 2012 GOP presidential nomination campaign.  He--in some races--scores fairly well, but not with the voter percentages needed to continue to be a viable candidate.  He gains voter support with his libertarian and foreign policy views; he fails to gain additional voter support for the same reasons! During the seemingly daily debates, Dr Paul--rather than articulating his opinions on the posed questions--verbally jaunts off on a foreign policy; on a 'bomb-the-Fed' rant!
    All-in-all, the daunting task here is to settle on the most conservative, electable candidate who can take-it-to "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" both in any presidential debates and in the general election.  The "Clown Prince" is an excellent speaker when left to his teleprompter.  How would he be if there were an unscripted debate?!?  Will there be an unscripted debate?!?  We have to also realize that all the questions in any debate will be approved by the debaters; no surprises, no actual questions on the problems facing the country, just those to boost the value of either or both competitors.
    As I see it, Dr--Representative--Ron Paul is pretty much a 'throw-away' candidate; in the process to drag support away from the one or two viable, electable candidates.
While most staunch conservatives--libertarians--enjoy the fiery discourse between Newt Gingrich, the debate moderator and the other candidates, his polling ups-and-downs garner only moderate net support.  The 'fire' is fun to watch but if nominated, will Mr Gingrich have the same 'fire' in any presidential debates?!?  I think not!!  There's an unwritten rule that no one is to attack "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" on the issues.  It's a given the media will be biased toward the "Clown Prince," so any GOP nominee will have automatically two foes on the debate stage, right from the start.  Said candidate must be prepared to battle both foes!
Mr Santorum seems to have no 'ignition switch;' how and where do we turn him on?!?  He speaks well on most issues, but where's the fire?!?  Where's the passion?!?  I've not seen it before, I'm not seeing it now!!  He tries to give the impression that he's the 'lone outsider' in the crowd.  Nay, Mr Santorum is every bit the insider that all other candidates are!
Mr Romney is a conservative much the same way "Ronaldus-Magnus" was a progressive liberal; neither are or were, Mr Romney is a conservative in voice only; President Reagan NEVER would have been a progressive liberal-in voice or in action!!  As Mr Romney tries to pander to every possible voter in the country, he continues to attempt to justify RomneyKare and has never taken responsibility for increasing the Massachusetts taxpayers' financial obligations relating to said force-fed health care.  In a presidential debate, the first thing "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" will do is to thank Mr Romney for the basis for--and his consultancy on--owe-bamaKare!!  This immediately takes one arrow from the sparcely populated Romney quiver.  Mr Romney has two degrees; one we are in dire need of: the MBA; the  other we have too many of in government, aleady: juris doctor! I'm beginning to believe 'the fix is in!'  The media and George Soros have chosen our candidate for us and their choice is--wait for it--Mitt Romney!!
We have some hard decisions to make, you and I!
Til Nex'Time....



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