Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This'n'That; April Third #2; The Constitution....?!?

Whiney-Assed Liar!
    I'd like to suggest--for the umpteenth time--that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" review the document he's sworn to support and defend--and presumably abide by--The United States Constitution.  No doubt, the next time he reads it, WILL BE THE FIRST TIME!
    After criticizing the Supreme Court as an "unelected group of people;" the "Clown Prince" goes on with blatant lies in an attempt to sway the court's decision relative to owe-bamaKare. 
1.  "....the extraordinary step of overturning a law...."  As a law school 'constitutional law' grad-assistant (NOT a professor as the national pamphleteer 'corpse' would have you believe) the "Clown Prince" should realize the Supreme Court is well within it's authority--and responsibility--to strike down the law, should they decide!!
2.  The legislation was passed by a "strong majority of a democratically elected Congress"  This--of course--is ANOTHER blatant lie; owe-bamaKare passed by smallest permissible majority possible.
3.  "....I'm confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the law...."  As will all other "Princely" actions, owe-bamaKare can not stand on it's merits-IT HAS NONE!  This is just one more example of the national pamphleteer 'corpse' blatantly supporting the "Clown Prince" in his attempt to mold the Supreme Court decision in his favor.
4.  "....its constitutional...."  Nothing more than the "Clown Prince" trying to advance his dictatorial-democracy by controlling yet another INDEPENDENT branch of the federal government.
5.  "....seniors are paying less for prescription drugs under this law...." ANOTHER blatant lie!  Medicare Part D has been in existence since January 1, 2006 (Part D is a part of the 'Medicare Modernization Act of 2003)!!  In 2003, the "Clown Prince" had yet to become the "Clown Prince;" he was a member of the Illinois State Senate.  In 2006, again before the "Clown Prince" became the "Clown Prince;" he was a 'voting-present,' JUNIOR member of the U.S. Senate. 
6.  "....unprecedented...." (the "Clown Prince's" opinion of a Supreme Court 'strike-down' of owe-bamaKare)  ANOTHER blantant lieThe United States Supreme Court has been striking down unconstitutional laws since 1803 (Marbury vs. Madison).
    In a sidebar comment, "Clown Prince ZERObama, the Narcissist" reminded his adoring subjects that he truly deserves his exalted position:
"My entire career is a testiment to American Exceptionalism."
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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