Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This'n'That; April Third #1; Dangerous Places

The Most Dangerous Places In U.S.
    Some of the most dangerous places in America are those you'd least expect.  Here are three of the most prominent:
Between Jesse Jackson and the nearest 'news' camera, and
Between "Slick-Willie" Clinton and the nearest 20-something sans undies, and
Between 'Not-A-Reverend' Al Sharpton and a self-devised racial scam!!
    Jackson--of course--is stirring shit in Miami LOOSELY based on the Trayvon Martin tragedy; calling for the arrest and conviction of George Zimmerman.  Relevant facts are but a necessary hinderance!  Most of us oldsters can remember the various financial shakedowns Jackson foisted upon the various auto companies in America, most namely, Toyota!!
    'Nuff said about "Slick-Willie's" various rapes, gropings and dalliances.  This guy'll never change!
    N.A.R. Sharpton has never been one to let the facts get in the way of a good racial/racist scam; "Tawana Brawley" ring a bell?!?  Maybe Jackson could lend the N.A.R. enough to pay the hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in fines and penalties stemming from the truth about the Tawana Brawley incident.
    All this prefaces the question:  Why didn't the two miscreant negros demonstrate when two were shot and killed; eleven shot and wounded in the North Miami funeral home gang-shooting?!?  The incident occurred last Friday Night (03/30) when rival gangs shot it out after one touched the body of the suicide victim being mourned. 
Does 'negro-on-negro' crime not count?!? 
Is race-scammable tragedies the only ones worthy of these two miscreant negros' attention?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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