Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This'n'That; December Nineteenth #2; Clowns To The Rescue

Here We Go.... "plug" To The Rescue!
     "Clown Prince" obama has tasked "plug" biden from the "Plug'n'Barry" show to 'handle' this gun ban; this gun control thingie.  The "Clown Prince" has asked for recommendations from a couple of his cabinet members and presumably Valarie Jarrett-- communist-in-chief--representing The Bilderberg Group
    Rumor has it that the "Clown Prince" will have "plug" biden head up a 'taskforce' to come up with solutions to the problem of miscreants and the mentally ill having access to guns.  If "Clown Prince" obama holds true-to-form he'll review the results of said taskforce, completely ignore them and let the alleged problem go over a cliff--possibly a new weapons-cliff--his solution for everything he can't solely control!!
Til Nex'Time....



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