Monday, January 4, 2010

This'n'That; January 5th[Pork;Schumer;Limbaugh]

...And The Pork Goes on; The Pork Goes On!!!
In all, Congress added in 1,720 pet projects to the latest defense funding bill, including:
  • $5 million for a visitors center in San Francisco
  • $23 million for indigent health care in Hawaii
  • $18 million for the Edward Kennedy Policy Institute in Massachusetts
  • $1.6 million to computerize hospital records in Oakland
  • $47 million for anti-drug training centers around the country
  • $20 million for the World War II Museum in Louisiana
  • $3.9 million grant to develop an energy-efficient solar film for buildings
  • $800,000 for minority prostate cancer research
  • $3.6 million for marijuana eradication in Kentucky
  • $2.4 million for handicap access and a sprinkler system at a community club in New York
Lawmakers also added $5 billion for two destroyers, 10 C-17 cargo planes and to develop a jet engine the Pentagon neither wants nor needs.
...And The Blather Goes On; The Blather Goes On!!
"Chuckie Cheese" Schumer, in his inimitable blathering style, now lays the onus of airline security at the feet of the airlines, rather than insisting the State and Homeland Security departments enforce their rules and regulations.

Schumer said more steps are needed. He said he wrote to the heads of major airlines on Sunday asking them to report any known security issues at foreign airports. "You don't have to be Albert Einstein to realize that flights that originate in foreign countries pose a greater danger," he said. Schumer said the airlines should threaten to stop flying to those airports if security isn't improved. In a news conference at his Manhattan office, Schumer released a five-point plan to close what he called "gaping holes" in air security. He said tough penalties should be implemented against countries that do not comply sufficiently with U.S. airport screening standards. "What's crucial is that we immediately send many more of our TSA agents to the airports to check on their compliance," he said, referring to the federal Transportation Security Administration.

"Chuckie" has solidified his position as a senior member of of the Congressional Moron Caucus with that ludicrus suggestion of idle threats. This from a MORON who thinks female airline staff are "bitches" and doesn't hesitate to apprise them of it!!!

Also on Sunday, the top counterterrorism adviser to the "Clown Prince" said U.S. intelligence agencies did not miss a "smoking gun" that could have prevented the alleged attempted attack. White House aide John Brennan cited "a number of streams of information:"

the suspect's name was known to intelligence officials,

  • his father had passed along his concern about the son's increasing radicalization
  • "little snippets" from intelligence channels.
So much for the "Clown Prince's" desire to build alliances with countries supporting terrorism like Yemen.....
How's that Hope and Change workin' for ya, now???
Rush On His "Health Scare"
Rush Limbaugh said on Friday doctors had found nothing wrong with him after he was hospitalized this week in Hawaii with sharp chest pains. Limbaugh, 58, underwent an angiogram, or an imaging of the arteries and heart, to determine what caused the pain "like I have never experienced before," he said. "They found absolutely nothing wrong. It was a blessing. No arterial disease, no coronary disease whatsoever," Limbaugh told reporters at Honolulu's Queen's Medical Center, where he was rushed on Wednesday from a nearby resort. It was unclear when Limbaugh would return to his top-rated radio show, with 20 million listeners weekly. But he did use the news conference to take a jab at Democrats and their top policy priority -- healthcare reform that aims to give coverage to 47 million uninsured Americans and lower costs. "Based on what happened to me here, I don't think there is one thing wrong with the American healthcare system. It is working just fine," he said. Limbaugh, a multimillionaire, said he got no special treatment, but the staff made his stay "almost like a hotel."
How 'bout That Ben Nelson, Huh??
A new Rasmussen poll of Nebraska finds that Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson's vote on the health care bill has put him in a tough spot in his deep-red state. In a test poll for his re-election campaign -- which won't happen until 2012 -- Nelson trails Republican Gov. Dave Heineman by a two-to-one margin. The numbers:
  • Heineman 61%,
  • Nelson 30%,
  • 4% "other."
From the pollster's analysis:
"Nelson's health care vote is clearly dragging his numbers down. Just 17% of Nebraska voters approve of the deal their senator made on Medicaid in exchange for his vote in support of the plan. Overall, 64% oppose the health care legislation, including 53% who are strongly opposed.
In Nebraska, opposition is even stronger than it is nationally."
MY opinion of Nebraska citizens just went UP by about "30 points!!" Not only did they reject the "Nelson Hijacking" of free Medicare/Medicaid benefits for Nebraskans in perpetuity, they're rejecting NELSON, HIMSELF!! Now the hope must be that the voters don't have a memory lapse at the polling places!!
Til Nex'Time....



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