Depending upon what I'm up to, I either catch Rush Limbaugh live via WRVA on the computer or a two-hour delay via WHAM on the radio. RARELY do I ever miss the broadcast all-together!!
On Tuesday, he both spoke of--and displayed it to his 'ditto-cam' viewers--a chart illustrating the federal government's income and expense for 2010. The chart is both startling and illustrative of expense AND tax areas that need reduction!
As I've said many times before, the corporate income tax MUST BE REDUCED to ZERO!! This tax is nothing more than a PERSONAL income tax addendum-without exception, it's passed on to the comsumer as part of the selling price.
On the expense side, the non-discretionary spending MUST BE REDUCED to break the chain of the dependency class' reliance on 'obama money!' These are but two suggestions that will greatly aid in the reduction of both the deficit and the national debt!
While I would endeavor NOT to act like the next "Clown Prince," there are many things 'we outsiders' neither know nor understand (after I'm selected to replace the "Clown Prince," I'd like to be known as "Jofus-The-Elder"). Those of us who really care about this country, hopefully would 'just do the right thing' for the country-not our pockets! Here's what I'd do, in no particular order of importance:
- Issue 100 safe drilling permits in the first 100 days.
- Reduce the corporate income tax TO ZERO.
- Reduce personal income tax rates by 3-5% per year of my administration, until such time as a 'flat tax' can be instituted.
- From my $400,000 annual presidential pay; offer a 3'x5' American flag to every residence and commercial building in all '57' states (a tribute to the number of states 'visited' by the current "Clown Prince!!" Those of you educated in public schools by union thugs: there are but fifty states!).
- Reduce federal employees' pay 15% per year until 110% of the median income of the American taxpayer is reached. NO 'grandfather' exceptions!
- Reduce federal elected officials' retirement pay and benefits package to 110% of the median retirement package of the American taxpayer. NO 'grandfather' exceptions!
- Reduce presidential and vice-presidential 'vacations' to 30 days-per-year, travel time included. This '30-day limit' would include non-weekend visits to 'Camp David.'
- Eliminate use of all modes of federal transportation during campaigns.
- Eliminate use of aircraft numbers 28000 and 28001 (commonly known as Air Force One; Air Force Two) by family members-singly (when the current potentate ain't travellin' with 'em).
- Eliminate ALL SUBSIDIES for unsustainable industries, i.e., the Chevy Volt; subsidies that artifically alter commody prices, i.e., the market price of corn. If the Chevy Volt is so important, it may well be time for the presidential detail to employ Volt-type 'stretch limousines.' If it's so important that we have low-priced corn, feed the nation, the world-don't burn it in cars and trucks!!
- Reduce by 50%, ALL FOREIGN AID; pending review to determine the benefit to the American taxpayer, NOT benefit to the receiving country-potentate. At the completion of the review, it would be expected that some--if not many--receivers would be completely eliminated.
- All legislation forwarded for signature or veto, MUST pass the 'Liberty Test.' The 'Liberty Test:' Does the pending legislation reduce or enhance personal liberties? Does the pending legislation reduce or enhance governmental control?
- The United States Constitution will be 'the controlling document' in all executive branch decisions and activities.
- The southern border fencing will be completed-POST HASTE; with 24-hour workdays, if necessary.
- The southern border immigration enforcement manpower will be increased by 30%.
- The northern border immigration enforcement manpower will be increased by 10%.
- No private, priviledged communications devices as there is with the current "Clown Prince!" Presidential Records Act ("PRA") of 1978 will be adhered to and strictly enforced!
- Eliminate the Department of Energy. It originated in 1977 under the second most inept president: Jimmuh Cahtuh (Jimmy Carter)--only behind the current "Clown Prince!" This department originated during the energy crisis of the late '70s, when the USA was 30% dependent on foreign oil. Now that the country is 70% dependent upon foreign oil, it's senseless. All sub-departments, agencies under their control, etc., would better serve the country either being eliminated or administered by other entities; the Departments of Defense, Commerce, Interior, etc.
- Eliminate and prevent--by legislation--the possibility of future 'shadow governments,' as the "Clown Prince" currently employs.
Til Nex'Time....
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