Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This'n'That; May Eighteenth #1; Fascist Police-State

....One State At A Time!
    Just when you thought the United States Constitution could not be trampled, shredded any more-it takes another thoughless hit.  This time, the hit came not from the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime, but from Indiana's highest state court!
    The Indiana court seemingly struck down provisions of the fourth Amendment based on ancient common law dealing with unlawful searches and seizures.  What the court seems to be upholding is the provision involving the arbitrary interference with 'property rights,' as published in the "Petition of Right."  The "Petition" was passed by the English Parliment in 1628.   With this reference the Indiana court holds that the police {currently, JUST in Indiana} need no warrant, need no probable cause, need no reason what-so-ever; to enter any building, home, business, car, truck, purse, storage locker, safety deposit box, wallet, anything-anywhere-anytime!!  The court also holds that the requirements that used to be in force--violated "public policy!"  Where the Hell is the Constitution in all this?!?
    As with bin Laden, can we truly be certain Der Fuhrer-Adolf Hitler actually died in his Berlin underground bunker in 1945?!?  His 'property rights' policies certainly have made a resurgence under the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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