Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; January 28th

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 01/28/2012
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
January 28, 2011
    On Tuesday, in my State of the Union Address, I laid out a blueprint for an economy built to last – an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values.  This week, I took that blueprint across the country, and what I saw was people who work hard and believe in each other. They believe in the America that’s within our reach. But they’re not sure that the right thing will get done in Washington this year, or next year, or the year after that. And frankly, when you look at some of the things that go on in this town, who could blame them for being a little cynical?
Just two days ago, a senator from Utah promised to obstruct every single American I appoint to a judgeship or public service position – unless I fire the consumer watchdog I put in place to protect the American people from financial schemes or malpractice.  For the most part, it’s not that this senator thinks these nominees are unqualified. In fact, all of the judicial nominees being blocked have bipartisan support. And almost 90 percent have unanimous support from the Judiciary Committee.  Instead, one of his aides told reporters that the senator plans to, and I’m quoting here, “Delay and slow the process in order to get the President’s attention.”   This isn’t about me. We weren’t sent here to wage perpetual political campaigns against each other. We were sent here to serve the American people. And they deserve better than gridlock and games. One senator gumming up the works for the whole country is certainly not what our founding fathers envisioned.
[What I'm not telling you: This 'blueprint for an economy to last' is nothing more than just so much blather; blather I'm ever more famous for. In this context, "an economy" is based entirely on the survival of our current representative republic; that, a pseudo-democracy.  History tells us the longest-lasting democracies have succumbed in 250 years, or less!! This means--statistically--the United States has a mere 14 years left (2026) in it's current lifecycle.  For this reason--among others, more self-serving--I'm doing what I'm told: transform the United States away from said pseudo-democracy.
    My federally (read: taxpayer-thus illegal) funded campaign stops across the country this week, I could have chosen any topic to blather on about.  I chose this one for the very reason of continuing the disguise of my 'jobs-killing' decisions as good for the country; good for the environment. I have--single-handedly--practically killed domestic energy exploration and production.  Pandering to opposite sides of the "Keystone XL" pipeline project has left me in the untenable position of not satisfying either side; nor doing what's most beneficial to the American people.  Rarely do owe-bamacRATics do "what's most beneficial to the American people," said party does what's best for the party, for the supporter, for the donor, et al.  This "Keystone" kerfuffle seeks to pacifiy the labor and construction unions on the 'pro-construction' side; while the 'anti-construction' side appeases the environmentalist whackos.  Thus, my decision--if one can call it that--placated my handlers in that it failed to allow 20,000 IMMEDIATE jobs as well as hundreds-of-thousands of FUTURE jobs!!  This decision will go far in the 'timeline of demise' of the current form of government.
    As I'm well known for, the current campaign season is developing into some form of warfare be it race, class, gender, economic or party!!  When I appointed Richard Cordray, I appointed an individual that will eventually have control over every financial and economic decision ANY American makes.  The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is structured such that it can 'self-correct' it's path of over-reach into the citizen's financial life; taking more-and-more control over said decisions.  Some members of the current 'class' of legislators have taken exception to this individual; such an exception that they intend to oppose every appointment, nomination I make.  Check out this quote:
"This isn't about me."
There's never been a more false statement written by, for or about me!!  This entire exploration into socio-fascism has been ENTIRELY about me!!  From massaging my uncontrollable ego to the massive chip-on-my-shoulder to disguising my completely inept lack of experience; everything that happens in barackingham Palace is about me!!]
The truth is, neither party has been blameless in tactics like these. But it’s time for both parties to put an end to them. I’m asking Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, to stop this kind of behavior by passing a rule that allows all judicial and public service nominations a simple up-or-down vote within 90 days.  We should also stem the corrosive influence of money in politics. The House and Senate should send me a bill that bans insider trading by Members of Congress, and I will sign it immediately. They should limit any elected official from owning stocks in industries they impact. And they should make sure people who bundle campaign contributions for Congress can’t lobby Congress, and vice versa.  During my Address on Tuesday night, I spoke about the incredible example set by the men and women of our armed forces. At a time when too many of our institutions have let us down, they exceed all expectations. They’re not consumed with personal ambition. They don’t obsess over their differences. They focus on the mission at hand. They work together.  If you agree with me that leaders in Washington should follow their example, then make your voice heard. Tell your Member of Congress that it’s time to end the gridlock, and start tackling the issues that really matter – an economy built on American manufacturing, American energy, American skills and education, and a return to American values. An economy built to last.
[What I'm not telling you: 
"We should....stem the corrosive influence of money in politics."
Given my forecast of raising a billion-dollars for my re-immaculation campaign, where is the 'stemming' of any financial influence in the political arena?!?   See, just more blather that must be adhered to by the public but will never apply to me or my regime!!   
   The 'example set by the  men and women of our armed forces' is being handsomely rewarded by firing--laying off, if you prefer--80,000 brave, dedicated and faithful soldiers,sailors, airmen and marines at a time when we've massaged the unemployment numbers down to 8.2%.  (Without massaging, the U-3 unemployment would be 11+%; the U-6--everyone unemployed--rate would be approaching 16%!!).  This is how we reward said dedication, bravery and faithfullness?!?  Casting these  selfless warriors off into a society that can't help them support their families?!?  Only in owe-bamanomics; only in socio-fascism!!! 
    Do you ever get sick of it?!?  The way I whine about every little action that doesn't go my way?!?  Now I'm choosing to whine about the Congress not adhering to my suggestions; the path toward ever more controlling socio-fascism!!  I pretend to not understand how the Congress can not see the benefits to the country as a whole;  so I whine-and-whine until I get the college kids; the welfareRATs; other socio-fascists, on board with my wants.  Most of these followers have NEVER had an original thought; they look to rulers like me to fill their heads with 'oatmeal, like' suggestions, as well as 'pay them not to work!!' 
    To 'go-off-teleprompter, here:  Did anyone see my interview with Diane Sawyer about Newt Gingrigh calling me 'the food-stamp president?!?'  Let me quote:
"First of all, I don't put people on foodstamps.  People become eligible for foodstamps.  Second of all, the initial expansion of food-stamp eligibility happened under my republicRAT predecessor, not under me.  
No 3, when you have a disastrous economic crash that results in 8 million people losing their jobs, more people are going to need more support from the government."                                                                                                                                                          ]
This is just another of my many excursions into presidential blather; I'm trying to once-again, "blame Bush!!"  Here--with the use of the word 'initial'--I've managed to 'toss it off' to my predecessor, President Bush-43.  While not the 'initial,' the greatest expansion in history came under my watch, by those concerned about my falling poll numbers.  This expansion is being used as another method of buying support, buying votes, buying donations.  While feeling the effects of the 'disastrous economic crash' began under President Bush-43,  the groundwork was actually laid by "Slick-Willie" Clinton and his then-HUD Secretary, Andrew Cuomo.  Their efforts to buy 'the black vote' led to relaxed mortgage requirements, resulting sub-prime mortgages to those who couldn't afford them and hand no intention of ever paying them back.  So the entire economic crisis can be successfully lain at the feet of the owe-bamacRATic party!!
Lest we forget:  Housing sales for the year 2011 were the WORST IN RECORDED AMERICAN HISTORY.... and on my watch!!!]



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