Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This'n'That; January Eighteenth #1; Of Course, They're WRONG Again!

'Soros Media' Wrong On Two Fronts
    The national pamphleteers--continuing to carry the 'owe-bama water'--are not only misconstruing the facts, they're outrightly LYING!!  they're accusing Mitt Romney of not paying enough in taxes with his admitted 15% tax rate.  Not only that, they're reporting that Romney is the richest American to ever run for president!!  As full disclosure I must admit that Mitt Romney IS NOT MY GUY; I just haven't made up my mind as to the 'best in the field.'  I'd vote for him as a McCain-esque "nose-holder," but that's the only way!
    The Soros media isn't considering one important fact:  Romney's income is primarily unearned income, from  dividends and interest income.  By law, the rate for unearned income is 15%.  What they're not reporting is that the invested funds earning that 15% has previously been taxed as 'earned income,' probably in the neighborhood of 35-40%!!
    While Mitt has substantial net worth, he's far from the richest man to run for the office of the president; that dis-honor goes to John Heinz Kerry--who served in Viet Nam!!  Mister Heinz Kerry--in his 2004 tax return release--admitted to a net worth in the neighborhood of $700 million to $1 Billion!!  Mister Romney is no-where close to that!!
Til Nex'Time....



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