Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This'n'That; June Thirteenth #2; NOW, I'm Pissed!!

I Guess I Just Thought....
    that even though she's a part of "Big Hollywood," Betty White was kinda apolitical;  not really sure why I thought that, it just seemed right.
Somewhere in the past I found out that Ms White was a life-long democRAT, but it never dawned on me that she'd be nonsensical enough to support--AND DONATE TO--the "Clown Prince!!"
    I'll never stop watching "Hot in Cleveland"--or anything else Betty White is in--until they 'pry the remote from my cold, dead hands!!'  I thoroughly enjoy her sense of humor, her delivery style, the things in her 'off-screen' life she holds dear.  I guess she and I'll just hafta agree-to-disagree!!
'Splain to me again why YOU-and Betty White-elected this verdammte Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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