Tuesday, February 12, 2013

This'n'That; February Twelfth #2; obamaKare AGAIN!

In Case You're Confused About obamaKare
    If that is the case, you need to watch the video below:
Dr Benjamin Carson--a world-renouned pediatric surgeon--verbally handed "Clown Prince" obama his 'fuzzy, brown ass on a silver platter' in solving the obamaKare kerfuffle during his keynote remarks at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast.  As you'll note, said 'fuzzy, brown ass' was in attendance when common sense and logic were explained to him by a REAL DOCTOR, who actually knows, who actually does real work for real money!! 
    Dr Carson spoke for over twenty-seven minutes; point-by-point on the ills of The Bilderberg Group form of government as it's represented by the "Clown Prince" obama regime.   I presume that the good doctor was restricted in time, he only cover the topics of
political correctness;
the ills of U.S. Education system;
the country's moral decay and reasons therefore;
the debt and deficit spending;
the overbearing tax system and a solution;
the 'lighthouse' parable;
the War of 1812, and
the facts behind the writing of the "Star Spangled Banner."
    As you watch the video, listen to Dr Carson's words while watching the "Clown Prince's" facial expressions.  I found that more revealing than anything "Clown Prince" obama has ever read from a teleprompter!!
Enjoy, I certainly did!!
Your comments:
Til Nex'Time....
Reference "Lie-Barry:"
A partial transcript of the Carson remarks and a discussion between Allen West and Greta Van Susteren on her program:



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