Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This'n'That; December 9th [Change;Auto;Others]

We're Getting Change, All Right!! The big promise during the campaign was "Change We Need." That phrase seems ambiguous at best. An integral "tie-in" phrase was "Yes, We Can!!" Seems to me there are a few discrepancies with these statements. First, "change" was never accurately defined; most voters assumed that Obama ment change from the policies of the current administration. No one ever mention WHICH DIRECTION the change would take. There sure will be change!! Second, remember leopards don't change their spots: Where did Obama come from? Illinois, one of the most corrupt political subdivisions on the planet. Their Governor Rod "Soon-to-be-in-jail-ovich" was just arrested [12/09/008] for putting Obama's Senate seat up for sale presumably to Jesse Jackson, Junior-Obama's choice for the post. The Governor wanted jobs and cash for himself and his wife, a cabinet/administration appointment for himself in exchange for his appointment of Obama's preferential candidate for the seat. For the people of Illinois, this is "normal" political activity..... s'pose any of this kinda politicin' rubbed off on Obama?? Be dam' tough to deal with these kinda folks on a daily basis and not have somethin' rub off!! Third, the HUGE capital project spending proposal will not only drive the federal government further into bankruptcy, this condition will affect the American Taxpayer for 5 or 6 generations out into the future. "It creates jobs".... sure does, but only those of a temporary nature; construction, engineering, materials, supervision/oversight. The real benefit is ONLY to Obama, himself. This will position him to be looked upon as the next FDR, only better!! He will have saved the country from a depression much like [he and the general public, thinks] FDR did. Only, FDR DIDN'T [and Obama won't]!! The increased employment required for the U.S. to successfully fight World War II was the catalyst for America's rebound out of "The Great Depression." FDR attempted to combat a high unemployment rate [1933-30%] with the "alphabet" public works projects while Obama is dealing with a comparatively paltry [2008] unemployment rate of 6.7%. Where's the comparison?? Obama wants to spend $BILLIONS or $TRILLIONS on projects while dealing with a rate less than ONE-QUARTER of that of the depression era!!! One of the "Obama Benefits" I referred to is name recognition/continuation and [false] political support. Go to West Virginia some time. Every third public building in the state has the name "BYRD" attached to it. That helped Senator Robert Byrd become the longest serving senator in U.S. history!! Fourth, don't be surprised if the "change" middle and lower class Americans are most familiar with is the "change" left in their pockets after the Obama-supported wealth redistribution!! The "Yes, We Can" phrase seems to have been tossed out the window. Now we're being told that all those pie-in-the-sky promises may not materialize in the near future, maybe not even during Obama's first term. Has the phrase been revised and we've not been told?? Looks like it may be "No, We Can't" or No, We Won't." Auto Industry Bail-outs This is sucha loada crap!!! Why is it currently unexceptable to fail?? Without failure, there's little success. First, the "Big Three" put themselves in the hole they're in, not the American taxpayer or consumer. Lookit this: With the CEOs of GM, Ford and Chrysler going hat-in-hand to Washington, begging for $34Billion in bail-out money; where are the other auto makers?? Even though they're European or Asian companies, no one has heard "a peep" out of Daimler, Honda, Nissan, Toyota or Kia-They manufacture in the U.S...... Are they not eligible for federal bail-out funds?? They provide hundred of thousands of jobs for Americans. Guess what......THEY DON'T NEED TO BE BAILED OUT!!!! When the United Auto Workers Union [UAW] talks about average auto company wages, they're talking about the cash hourly rate, production bonuses, product discounts, health insurance, personal time off, vacation time and sick time. When all these are considered, the average; the AVERAGE.... UAW worker earns [?] $72 per hour in total compensation. The average worker for the Asian and European auto companies in the U.S. earns $44 per hour in total compensation. Can you see where the auto unions [and unions in general] have outlived their usefulness?? Imagine what this 63% higher wage expense adds to the cost of each GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicle sold!! While the Big Three have made great strides in product quality, the foreign auto monikers are light-years ahead in quality..... and at less expense!!! Second, the auto companies including their suppliers produce about three percent of economic output and employ about one million plus. If the Big Three go into bankruptcy, the industry will employ approximately the same amount of people. If they emerge from bankruptcy in a stronger position, it's very likely they'll employ more people than they do currently. If not, then the Asian and European automakers in America will pick up the slack, produce more vehicles and possibly employ alot of the former UAW workers. Third, if the auto companies DO go into bankruptcy, it WILL NOT be the end of the U.S. auto industy. That's pure equine excrement!! Bankruptcy could even be a blessing in disguise; they could emerge in better condition, both financially and with an inproved product line. Previously and currently, the Big Three have made most of their profits with big gas-guzzling SUVs and pickups. This would for a quicker pace to change over to smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles.[{BANKRUPTCY: Most think that going into bankruptcy is an indication that the company won't survive. It merely means that the company is reorganizing it's finances and operations to repay their creditors without being hasseled for payment}] Fourth, the current $14-16Billion WILL NOT ensure the Big Three's solvency!! General Motors and Chrysler together blow through $2Billion a month, just in normal operations. The money Congress might approve will last a year at most, leaving nothing for product development or operational changes [from TheHill.com]. I don't see where any of these bail-out giveaways in any sector, are subject to any form of oversight. Oh, sure..... somebody is gonna appoint a "Car Czar" sometime..... somewhere down the line!!! Will it be in time to ride herd on OUR MONEY, before it's all "whizzed" away?? We probably gotta wait until it's determined which carkinda guy gave the most to the Obama-biden campaign to have some form of oversight appointed. In that light, I gotta suggestion: Anybody ever hear of this guy named Carlos Ghosn [pronounced: goan]?? Didn't think so. He is a super-intelligent, well-educated dude that has a long history of turning failing companies around. Prior to his arrival at Nissan Motor Company in 1999, the company had lost money for eight of the previous nine years. Mr Ghosn promised that Nissan would make money by the end of his first year or he'd resign!! In fiscal 2000, Nissan earned $2.7Billion profit. [from Investor's Business Daily {IBD} 12/08/008]. Now there's a guy who'd be worth a million-bucks-a-month as a government consultant to the auto industry or even the "Car Czar." He'd save the taxpayer aheluva lot more than he'd be paid. Probably won't happen-I doubt he donated much to the campaign. Dictionary Update: Ok boys and girls, take out your dictionaries. Look up the definition of "democrat." See where it says "liberal??" Ok, cross that word out and write in "progressive." You see, all those Democrat government boobs have and are giving away the federal largess as fast as they can, even to those who don't need or want it. The word "liberal" ain't sittin' too well with the voting public so they've renamed themselves.... you gotit... "Progressives!!" That'll sit better 'til the taxpayer wises up again. Let's Get It Right They ain'no sucha thing as "The Office of The President-Elect." That being said... Mr Obama IS NOT THE PRESIDENT-ELECT!!! If you take out and read your copy of the U.S. Consititution, you'll find the winner of the national election for president is just that...... the winner!! This winner becomes "The President-Elect" on December 15th, after the Electoral College meets and ceritifies the election results. Til then, Mister Obama is..... just that, MISTER Obama.... or Former Senator Obama..... or ex-Senator Obama... BUT NOT President-Elect Obama. Til Nex'time...........



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