Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This'n'That;April 22nd[TaxFreedomDay;Crooks;Photo-Op;PillowTalk;Suicide]

For Some-It's Nearly Here; For Some-It's Gone By What I'm referring to is "Tax Freedom Day!" [Tax Freedom Day: first day of the year in which a nation as a whole has theoretically earned enough income to fund its annual tax burden. It is annually calculated in the United States by the Tax Foundation—a D.C., based tax research organization. Every dollar that is officially considered income by the government is counted, and every payment to the government that is officially considered a tax is counted. Taxes at all levels of government—local, state and federal—are included. My Interpretation: If ALL EARNINGS from January 1st to Tax Freedom Day were given to the various government entities to satisfy tax obligations, Tax Freedom Day would theoritically, be the first day the worker could keep ANY MONEY!] This day comes at different dates, depending on the state. The United States as a whole, on average, comes on April 13th, involving 103 workdays. The Best State: Alaska; March 23rd; 82 workdays. The Worst State: Connecticut; April 30; 120 workdays [The name "Dodd" ring a bell?]. My State: New York; April 25th; 115 workdays. Your State: To find it check . They're Everywhere.... They're Everywhere! [The crooked politicians, I mean!! DiFei abused her power in the Senate and "traded on inside information" in favor of her husband's [Richard Blum] company. DiFei submitted legislation for a $25Bln cash infusion to the FDIC, through which Blum's real estate company, CB Richard Ellis was contracted to handle forclosed home sales. They're BOTH CROOKS; it's just as illegal to profit from inside information as it is to dispense it!! Will we see and investigation and trial, ala "Martha Stewart?" Nah.... DiFei probably thinks she's immune due to her "royalty" status!! DEFINITION-Insider Trading: The term is frequently used to refer to a practice in which an insider or a related party trades based on material, non-public information obtained during the performance of the insider's duties at the corporation, or otherwise in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence or where the non-public information [$25Bln cash infusion to the FDIC] was misappropriated from the company[the Senate or the Congress]. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein Tuesday dismissed as "nonsense" allegations that her efforts to bolster funding for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which protects bank depositors, aided her husband Richard Blum's real estate firm. The story by the Washington Times, which appeared Tuesday, said Feinstein's bill to increase FDIC funding by $25 billion arrived shortly after the agency awarded CB Richard Ellis Group, where Blum is chairman of the board, a contract to sell foreclosed houses. Blum's wealth and his wife's power have attracted scrutiny many times in the past, particularly over Blum's business dealings in China and with government defense contracts, but have never resulted in evidence of wrongdoing. How Do He Do It? ALL politicians are ALWAYS UP for a photo-op!! But...."Geeze-Louise" [not you, Mrs Slaughter!!], NEVER has a politician logged so many miles just to stay in front of the camera!! How does Fluffy obama get any governing done? He's logged millions more miles in 90 days that some presidents have IN FOUR YEARS!! Come-ON, Fluff'.... if ya stayed "home," ya mightta given more thought to pissin' away America's future.... FOR GENERATIONS TO COME!!! The Fight Is On-For The "FaceTime," That Is! Remember the European leg of the Fluffy obama "Apology Tour-2009?" What photos did you see most; remember most? Of course, America's "First Queen!!" What do you think the pillow talk was like when they returned to The White House? I'm betting that Fluffy said something to the effect of "From now on-You wanna go to some God-forsaken, Third-world Rathole?? Go by yourself!! You're hoggin' my "facetime!!!" I back my supposed conversation with facts: Did Queen Michelle go on the southern leg of the "Apology Tour-2009" to Central and South America? NO!! Did Queen Michelle go to Iowa today, to stand in front of a camera and watch a propeller "go 'round'n'round?" NO!! I rest my case!! Who Drove Whom to What? [If I were Mr Kellermann's spouse, child or parent, you can bet your "fuzzy rear-end" I'd be looking into the posssibility of a wrongful death suit against The Fluffer-both personally and professionally!! Can you imagine the un-Godly pressure this guy was under... trying to achieve success while working under Fluffy's assinine financial policies? Did you know that Freddie Mac-in concert with Fannie Mae-own or administer 56% of all American mortgages? Did you know that the number of approved mortgage applicants increased 50%, just in the last month?!?! This incredible growth can only mean a lowering of standards!! Did you know that the FreddieMac/FannieMae mortgage default rates DOUBLE EVERY MONTH? Now, that's pressure!!] The acting chief financial officer of Freddie Mac, an embattled government-owned company that controls millions of home mortgages, was found dead today of apparent suicide in his suburban Virginia home. Fairfax County Police were called to the Vienna, Va.-area home of Freddie Mac's David Kellermann at 4:48 a.m. to investigate. Though it appeared to be suicide, they said the cause of death is under investigation, with an autopsy planned today. It's Earth Day In honor of this less-than-auspicious day, I'm gonna go out and cut down a half-dozen "old-growth" trees [with a gas guzzlin,' carbon spewin,' thirty-year-old chainsaw]!! Til Nex'Time....



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