Saturday, January 29, 2011

This'n'That; January Twenty-Nineth [Steyn; Steyn]

First On Rush's Show-01/28:
    Syndicated columnist and bestselling author Mark Steyn sat in 'the big chair' for Friday's "El Rushbo" Show.  Mark had a disabled (wheelchair bound) caller who suggested that everyone in the United States take part in a collection to pay off the national debt.  The caller was willing to put up an ill-afforded $500!!
I was working in "The Cabinet Shop" at the time, so couldn't pay close attention to Mr Steyn's answer.  I've formulated a bit of an answer, myself:
  • The US currently has a  population in the 310 million-range.
  • The US currently (as of: 01/27/2011) has a national debt of $14,059,409,159,678.42
  • The US currently has a working-aged adult population of 227.4 million persons.
  • The US currently has a public assistance population of 50.1 million persons.
  • The US currently has a total workforce of 138.5 million persons.
  • The US currently has a taxpayer base of 110.7 million persons.
  • The US median income is $32,140.
  • The national debt-per citizen: $45,155
  • The national debt-per taxpayer: $127,210
Given the aformentioned information--and a calculator that works in 'the trillions,' which I don't have--to just 'take up a collection' would be an impossible task, unless of course, you're the IRS!!
  • Presuming all citizens are working--which we know, they ain't--and earning the median income; they'd have to donate nearly 1-1/2 years' earnings-and STILL OWE TAXES on the donated monies!
  • Each taxpayer would have to donate nearly 4-years' earnings PLUS TAXES, of  course!
  • Each 'welfareRAT' would have to get "off his dead-ass; onto his dyin' feet!!"
I'm thinkin', while the caller's suggestion was admirable; it's an impossible task!! 
Firstly, dam' few taxpayers could even afford to make donations of this calibre. Secondly, dam' few American citizens would volunteer for this undertaking.
Thirdly, dam' few politicians--with a national debt paid to ZERO--would have neither the inclination, nor the testicular fortitude, to maintain it at that level!!
{Blogger's Note:  Please check out the 'debt clock' URL, below.  This should be in everyone's 'Favorites' list;  the most indepth--up-to-the-millisecond--national information available!!}

Secondly, On Rush's Show-01/28:
   As I mentioned previously, I was working in 'The Cabinet Shop,' so I didn't hear all of Mr Steyn's commentary.  What I did get though, were the words: "barack-ingham Palace."  I think Mark was using those words while commenting on the 'inept, idiot-ironical, non-common sensical blather' of "The State of the Union Show."  With apoligies to Mr Steyn, I intend to co-opt his phrase and use it in every instance I can!!
Til Nex'Time....{*}



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