Friday, March 25, 2011

This'n'That; March Twenty-Fifth #3; Soros' New-World-Order

Soros Planning His "New-World-Order!"
(....and No One Seems To Care!!)
    In their usual vein of 'journalistic malpractice,' the National Pamphleteers are completely ignoring the next--possibly the most devastating--attack on United States' sovereignty!!  George Soros--ever the planner--will co-host an April Eighth economic conference in conjunction with the "Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET)" which he 'owns' along with over EIGHTY other fascist, socialist, communistic, marxist websites.  Have ya' heard about it?!? Most probably-NO!!  The planning for this event is going on while the National Pamphleteer corps is emulating "Clown Prince" owe-bama: by journalistically 'playing golf;' by journalistically 'making their NCAA picks;' by journalistically 'taking monthly international vacations;' by journalistically 'being "owned" by George Soros!!'
    This INET/Soros conference will be an 'updated model' of it's forerunner-the (1944) United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods.  The Soros conference will even be held in the same New Hampshire resort that hosted the first conference.
    The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods (of 1944-whew!!) essentially remade the free-world's views on international monetization, trade, economics and dispute settlement methods.  The 'conference' agreed:
  • ....that broad international action is necessary to maintain an international monetary system which will promote foreign trade.
  • ....the nations should consult and agree on international monetary changes which affect each other.
  • ....the nations here represented should establish for these purposes a permanent international body, The International Monetary Fund with powers and resources adequate to perform the tasks assigned to it.
  • ....on those powers and resources and the additional obligations which member nations should undertake.
  • ....Draft Articles of Agreement had been prepared.
  • ....that post-war (WWII) reconstruction should be rapid.
  • ....that development of resources of particular regions is in the general economic interest.
  • ....that reconstruction and development will speed economic progress everywhere.
  • ....that reconstruction and development will aid political stability and foster peace.
  • ....that expanded international investment is essential for reconstruction and development. 
  • ....that the nations should cooperate to increase the volumne of foreign investment through normal business channels.
  • ....that the nations should cooperate to share the risks of said foreign investment.
  • ....that the nations should form an international body:  The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  • ....that 'the Bank' should guarantee loans made by other member nations.
  • ....on the powers and resources 'the Bank' must have and on the obligations member nations must assume.
(SOURCE:  Pamphlet #4, pg 30; PILLARS OF PEACE; Documents Pertaining to American interest In Establishing A Lasting World Peace; January, 1941-February, 1946; Published by the Book Department, Army Information School; Carlisle Barracks, Pa., May, 1946.

    George Soros' latest fascist undertaking is the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). INET's current initiatives include:
  • Grants: INET awards individual grants in two cycles each year to individuals or teams proposing research in new economic thinking.
  • Task Forces: INET periodically identifies critical issues requiring in-depth research and will fund a task force to undertake the work, typically over several years.
  • Conferences: INET stages a series of conferences and regional meetings held around the world that bring people from different fields and schools of thought together to debate on vital issues and questions that urgently require new economic thinking.
  • Partnerships: INET is establishing partnerships with leading thought centers (universities, think-tanks and other research-oriented institutions) around the world to provide intellectual hubs aligned with the INET mission and supporting local communities of innovators.
  • INET Online:INET’s website provides a rich environment for learning and collaboration around economics.

    One needs but to peruse this website to see that it falls into line with the fascist principles George Soros learned while working for the Nazis during WWII.  The site serves to promote and expand Mr Soros' "schemes-and-dreams" of the destruction of any democracy and all free market economies on the planet.
....and no one seems to care!!
    Do the current American junta's owe-bamacRATs not realize that they will become just another segment of Soros' victims; that they will suffer with the rest of us as America's transformed into just another 'third-world rathole?!?'
Wake-up, AMERICA!!
Til Nex'Time....
NOTE:  There are no vacancies at the 'Omni Bretton Arms at Mount Washington' for the period: 04/07/2011 though 04/16/2011. I wonder why?!?



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