Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This'n'That; April Fifth #1; We (May) Win!

The 'Serfs' May Win One!!
    This morning, the Congress  intends on sending the "Clown Prince" legislation that will repeal a small part of the owe-bamaKare nightmare; the requirement that businesses '1099' all those with dealings of $600 in goods and services per year.   This would have been a 'paperwork' quagmire for small businesses, but--on the positive side--this requirement would have created untold-thousands of jobs, those needed to fill out and file the dam' forms!!  Maybe these were the jobs the "Clown Prince" intended to focus his laser-like attention on!!  Is a veto imminent? Who knows!!  We shall see what we shall see!!
Til Nex'Time....



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