Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This'n'That; April Sixth #1; In New York....?

Even 'Traditional' Liberals "Get It!"
    "Young Andy" Cuomo managed both to bring in an 'on-time' state budget and piss-off Mayor Bloomberg at the same time!!  New York State hasn't had an on-time budget--seemingly--in centuries.  Of course--New York City's--Mayor Bloomberg is gonna be pissed-off;  he's a rich guy--a 'living' RINO--and we all know how those rich guys get when someone "takes their toys away!"
    Traditionally, the New York State budget is several weeks late in being submitted--at times, way into April.  This year's budget closes a $10 billion 'hole' and includes 2% in spending cuts--unthinkable in the state legislature!!  "Young Andy" did it all with no broad tax increases or borrowing; again--unheard of in the 'Empire State.'
    Contrary to the suggested result of federal budget cuts, I doubt any homeless, any welfareRATs, any unemployeds or others in the dependency class will starve in New York's upcoming budget year!!  I gotta 'take my hat off' to Governor Cuomo and his administration.  Given that the governor's father: Governor Cuomo-the-First, is the consummate commie-fascist-liberal, I made the natural assumption that "Young Andy" had been indoctrinated in the same vein-both formally and at home. 
   I--The 'hard' constitutionalist that I am--would have liked maybe 5-to-8% in cuts ...but hey..., we'll take what we can get; there's always the next budget cycle.
Til Nex'Time....



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