Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This'n'That; April Twelfth#1; You Caved..!!

Boehner Rolled-Over-'n'-Played-Dead!!
    Mister Speaker....You're 'bout to piss me off!!  Remember me?!?  I and a few million of my like-minded friends not only kept you in your cushy office, but we put some like-minded people in office to assist you.  You, Mr Boner...er... Boehner, have failed miserably at the tasks we sent your assistants to help you with. 
    First you and your ilk crowed incessantly: If we take over the House, we'll cut $100Billion during the 112th Congress.  Then you crowed about $61Billion in spending cuts.  If those blatherings weren't bad enough, you caved in and 'settled for' $38Billion in spending cuts!!  Now, we're hearing rumors that these miniscule spending cuts also include previous cuts made in your 'continuing resolutions!'  Speaker Boner.... What's the net spending reduction?!?  As I see it--about $26Billion!!
    At current levels, the Federal government borrows a weekly average of $60,000,000,000 (bln)!! So, what'cher tellin' us is: you struck this grand compromise with the owe-bamacRATs for spending reductions equating to three days' borrowing!!  "Cheese'n'Rice," Mr Speaker: "My grandmother cudd'a done better!!"  Unless you and the rest of the Congress get-a-grip on this excessive spending and borrowing; The United States--as we know it--won't be long for this world!!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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