Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Sunday 'Report;' 04/10/2011

What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
Steven A. Camarota,
Center for Immigration Studies    Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes—not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.  Among the findings: [....]

12th Annual White Privilege Conference Schedule
White Privilege Conference,
updated March 11, 2011
What is Privilege?
    “White Privilege is the other side of racism. Unless we name it, we are in danger of wallowing in guilt or moral outrage with no idea of how to move beyond them. {snip} once we understand how white privilege operates, we can begin addressing it on an individual and institutional basis.” ~Paula Rothenberg
    “Privilege exists when one group has something of value that is denied to others simply because of the groups they belong to, rather than because of anything they’ve done or failed to do. {snip}” ~Peggy McIntosh
Examples of Privilege;  Being able to . . . [....]

New Hampshire Tax Haven
by Neal Boortz,
April 8, 2011
It’s no secret … Americans, particularly the wealth … are flocking to states with lower taxes, less government spending and right to work laws. New Hampshire is one of those states as it happens to be one of the seven states without an income tax. With these wealthy people comes … wealth! Particularly in the form of trusts. From the WSJ:

The family office of the Johnson family, which runs Fidelity and which has a net worth in the billions of dollars, recently moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, which doesn’t tax many forms of income from trusts. (Their offices are now a mere three miles over the border, lest they also sacrifice convenience).
{*}{*}New Hampshire, in fact, has become a kind of mini-Switzerland for wealthy Northeast families. Trust assets under management by banks and trust companies up north have jumped 70% over the past five years, to $311 billion in 2010, from $184 billion in 2005, according to the New Hampshire Banking Department. State.  People will do what they can to hold on to the wealth they earn. Taxes change behavior. When will politicians start to understand this?

by Bob Lonsberry,
April 9, 2011
Breathe deep.
That’s what defeat smells like.
Get used to it.
Boehner and the freshmen sold us out.
In the first test of the new speaker, in the first demonstration of what the tea party Republicans are made of, they got nothing.
They caved.
They sold out.
And we got screwed.
Do this math with me. The deficit is $1.4 trillion. They cut $38 billion. That’s less than 3 percent.
And that’s failure.
You write a check for $100 more than you have in your account. The bank tells you it’s rubber. So you rip it up and write a check for $97 more than you have in your account and you call yourself a fiscal conservative.
That’s what we got.
We got blown off.
Deficit spending is the greatest threat to the stability and future of our Republic. We know that in our hearts, and we heard it in campaign speeches.
But we sure as hell didn’t see [....]

This Deal is Not Enough
by Rep. Michele Bachmann
Saturday, April 9, 2011
    The deal of $38 billion in cuts announced early this morning between GOP Leadership and Harry Reid is a pittance compared to the $3.5 trillion+ we are on pace to spend this year alone. Since Republicans took the Majority, I have been vocal about what the American people sent us to Washington to accomplish. As I said in my last RedState post, we must fight over trillions in cuts, we must fight over defunding ObamaCare and we must fight over defunding Planned Parenthood.  I wanted the GOP to fight for more in this week’s negotiations. I wanted them to fight for significant spending cuts before this debt [....]

Is Obama an Essential Employee?
[Rush Limbaugh-Show Transcript]
April 8, 2011
    How many of Obama's czars are gonna be sent home as nonessential employees if there's a shutdown? How many of the White House limo drivers will be considered nonessential? How many people who clean for the Obamas, who buy their clothes, who wash their clothes, who make their sandwiches, who tend the organic garden will be considered nonessential and sent home? Will Obama forgo his salary? Will he stop flying around in Air Force One? Will he stop the concerts and the golf and the basketball if the government's shutdown? Hell, no! None of this is gonna impact him at all.

    Let me ask this. Given Obama's lax approach to all of this, farming it all out -- at the negotiations, he sits there, "I expect an answer in the morning!" while he goes off to meet with the Reverend Sharpton and chow down on soul food. By the way, I saw a picture of that. I saw a picture of Obama [....]

IRS goes after HSBC customers with money offshore
by Andrea Coombes , MarketWatch
April 7, 2011 
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — In their latest salvo against taxpayers who stash money offshore, and banks who may enable the practice, the U.S. Justice Department and Internal Revenue Service on Thursday sought a federal court’s authorization to force HSBC Bank USA to reveal the names of its U.S. customers with accounts in India.   The Justice Department and IRS seek to serve a “John Doe” summons on HSBC USA  “to obtain information about possible tax fraud by people whose identities are unknown,” the government said in a news release.
     The U.S. government’s action Thursday parallels a similar strategy used to uncover the names of U.S. customers at another bank — UBS  — with offshore accounts in Switzerland, said Robert McKenzie, a partner in the Chicago-based law firm Arnstein & Lehr. Ultimately, UBS released the names of about 4,500 customers.  In that case, there was “a criminal investigation against the bank but the second element is the IRS sought permission and [....]
Til Next Sunday....



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