Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This'n'That; April Twentieth #1; Arizona 'Plays Dead!'

Will/Can Arizona 'Override' Brewer Veto?
     The Arizona's Senate passed that state's 'birther' bill (House Bill 2177) with a vote of 20-9; the House by a vote of 40-16 (with 4 non-votes). Governor Jan Brewer in her less-than-infinite wisdom, vetoed it. While I don't advocate vindictivism, here would have been a good point atwhich to force Soros, the owe-bama regime and 'General' Holder--specifically--to 'play her game, on her turf!!'
     Given the voting majority in both houses, an override of the governor’s veto would seem plausible; possible. Ms Brewer was vilified by the aforementioned fascists during Arizona’s debate and passage of it’s 'illegal immigration’ bill; this would be the time I’d exact a measure of revenge, were I, her.
Til Nex'Time....     



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