Sunday, June 12, 2011

This'n'That; June Twelveth #1; Mr Logan and His Act

{To view an 'in order' post, visit}
The Blogosphere's Take:
    The blogosphere may have stepped on it's collective duu-luu on this one!!  The big flap of the weekend is Defense Secretary Robert Gates attending the Bilderberg Conference (June 9-12) at the Suvretta House Hotel, St. Moritz, Switzerland.  The 'blogosphere' has taken exception to US officials' attendance as a violation of The Logan Act.
    Now, there's probably not a more strict Constitutionalist on the planet than I, particularly as the Constitution relates to the current regime; as the Constitution relates to the 112th Congress.  I'm kinda missin' how everyone is finding that Secretary Gates violated The Logan Act.  The act says, in it's entirety:
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but....  as I read it, the act clearly stipulates "influence the measures or conduct.... [relating to] any disputes or controversies.... or defeat the measures of the United States...."  I can safely say we all agree that any current president, cabinet member, shadow cabinet member, agency head, commission head, any formal or informal administration advisor--and in the current administration, including George Soros and Valarie Jarrett--are 'agents of the United States."'
§ 953. Private correspondence with foreign governments.

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
This section shall not abridge the right of a citizen to apply himself, or his agent, to any foreign government, or the agents thereof, for redress of any injury which he may have sustained from such government or any of its agents or subjects.
1 Stat. 613, January 30, 1799, codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953 (2004).

    Take a look at past Bilderberg Conferences, check out the prominent Americans--agents, all--who've attended at one time or another.  Some attendees went while holding an elective or appointed position(~), others went before or after their government positions [This list is in the following order: Name; Conference(s) attended; Position Held; Term; President]:
NOTE:  Each one of these "~" were in an elected or appointed position at the time of their attendance.
George Ball; 1954, 1993; Undersec'y of State (1961-1968; Johnson)
~Samuel 'Sandy' Berger; 1999; National Security Adv (1997-2001; Clinton)
~Timothy Geithner; 2009; Sec'y of Treasury (2009-Curr; owe-bama)
~Lee Hamilton; 1997; fmr Rep, US House-Indiana (1965-1999)
Christian Herter; 1961,1963,1964,1966; Sec'y of State (1959-1961; Eisenhower)
~*Charles D. Jackson; 1957,1958,1960; Spl Ass't to the President (1953-1954; Eisenhower)
~Henry Kissinger; 1957,1964,1966,1971,1973,1974,1977,2008,2011; Sec'y of State (1973-1977; Nixon, Ford)
Colin Powell; 1997; Sec'y of State (2001-2005; Bush-43)
Lawrence Summers; Unknown; Dir, National Economic Council, et al (2009-2010; owe-bama)
Paul Volker; Unknown; Chair, Fed Reserve; Chair, PERAB (2009-2011; owe-bama)
Roger Altman; 2009; Dep Sec'y of Treasury (1993-1994; Clinton)
William Clinton; 1991; President, 1993-2001
~Gerald Ford; 1964,1966; Rep, US House-Michigan, 1949-1973; President, 1974-1977
~John Edwards; 2004; US Senator-NC (1999-2005)
~Chuck Hagel; 1999,2000; US Senator-Ne (1997-2009)
~Sam Nunn; 1996,1997; US Senator-Ga (1972-1997)
~Rick Perry; 2007; Governor of Texas (2000-Curr)
~Mark Sanford; 2008; Governor of SC (2003-2011)
~Alexander Haig; 1978; Supreme Allied Cmdr, NATO (1974-1979; Ford, Carter); Sec'y of State (1981-1982; Reagan)

"*" In 1953 and '54, while Charles Douglas Jackson served as Advisor to the President (Eisenhower) for psychological warfare, he was simultaneously instrumental in the conceptual formation of the Bilderberg Conferences.
    The blogosphere is contending that anyone in public office--either elected or appointed--is prohibited from attending any Bilderberg Conference.  If that contention is correct, why have there never been any charges, prosecutions or convictions under The Logan Act?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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