Saturday, October 29, 2011

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; October 29th

A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 10/29/2011
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption,
October 29, 2011
This week, a new economic report confirmed what most Americans already believe to be true: over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed.  Now, in this country, we don’t begrudge anyone wealth or success – we encourage it. We celebrate it. But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead – not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers.  Rebuilding an economy where everyone has the chance to succeed will take time. Our economic problems were decades in the making, and they won’t be solved overnight. But there are steps we can take right now to put people back to work and restore some of the security that middle-class Americans have lost over the last few decades.
[What I'm not telling you:  As usual, most of today's blather is complete fabrication; complete--and bald faced--lies!!  Based on that premise, let's attempt to rewrite today's weekly blather with a modicum of truth.  Here are some facts as researched by some of America's best 'think-tanks:'
During the first decade of the twenty-first century, median income (50% of earners above; 50% below) dropped by 7%;
The wealthiest 20% of households saw their income drop by 16%!;
The remaining wage earners experienced a 25% drop over the same period;
Incomes are expected to rise only 5% in the next decade.
{ }
    Additionally--under my leadership, or the distinct lack thereof--the collapsed housing bubble cost $6 TRILLION in lost value, with another $2 TRILLION in losses expected in the coming year.  These realized and projected losses equal 53.6% of the current national debt.  How does this affect you, the taxpayer; you, the homeowner?!?  Not only do you, but your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren are responsible for repaying this unconcionable level of national endebtedness;  these same folks are expected to suffer the affects of the monetary losses experienced by the American homeowner. 
So in total, JUST the national debt and the housing losses equal $22.9 TRILLION!! 
How is that figure even fathomable?!?
How is that figure even repayable?!?
    Upon close review of the past two-and-a-half years, you'll find that not only do I "lead from the rear;"  I "lead from the golf course!"  And yet, I demand to be given credit for the demise of the planet's worst miscreants: owe-bama Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi as well as the ouster of our buddy in Egypt: Hosni Mubarak!  Said review will also reveal my penchant for being the personification of Albert Einstein's definition of insanity.  That definition being: doing the same thing over-and-over, expecting a different result!!  To that end, my regime continued the destined-to-fail TARP bailout authored by that evil President George W. Bush, 43;  then George Soros insisted on the $787 BILLION PORKulus bill to fund the requisite pay-offs for the regime's supporters and contributors as well as the unions' hierarchies.  Then we had that debt-ceiling increase kerfuffle that never should have been approved!  Now we have PORKulus 2.0 disguised as the American Jobs Act.
    Not only have these programs not stimulated the jobs market, there will be no stimulation in the near future!  Everything the regime has done, was done in direct defiance of the logic of economics.  The only jobs that can be created by government--at any level--are government jobs!  To acquire funding for owe-bamacRATic policies; the government must either take the same amount of money from the American public or borrow the funds in the name said American public!!  If job creation is the true objective, the most effective path to accomplishment is tax reduction AND regulations-and-rules set-asides or nullifications!]
Right now, Congress can pass a set of common-sense jobs proposals that independent economists tell us will boost the economy right away. Proposals that will put more teachers, veterans, construction workers and first responders back on the job. Proposals that will cut taxes for virtually every middle class family and small business in America. These are the same kinds of proposals that both Democrats and Republicans have supported in the past. And they should stop playing politics and act on them now.  These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes. These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution they’re willing to make. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy.  Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress aren’t paying attention. They’re not getting the message. Over and over, they have refused to even debate the same kind of jobs proposals that Republicans have supported in the past – proposals that today are supported, not just by Democrats, but by Independents and Republicans all across America. And yet, somehow, they found time this week to debate things like whether or not we should mint coins to celebrate the Baseball Hall of Fame. Meanwhile, they’re only scheduled to work three more weeks between now and the end of the year.
[What I'm not telling you:  By January, 2010--the start of my second year of rule--the owe-bamacRATic controlled Senate had held up 290 bills previously approved by the House of Representatives, which was also owe-bamacRATically controlled.  Since the "Tea Party" movement's victory in November, 2010, the Senate has continually held up legislation beneficial to the American economy; not necessarily beneficial to the regime's direction for the United States! 
    Remember the Rep Louie Gohmert "American Jobs Act of 2011?!?"  Rep Gohmert's proposal is diametrically opposite to my "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist"  'American Jobs Act.' 
To date, have there been any negotiations to reconcile the two bills?!? 
Absolutely not!! 
Why not?!? 
I've instructed little 'pinky' reid to not allow them; it's "my way or the highway!!" 
    If the reader cares to check the referenced URLs above, they'll find that to qualify as one of "the 1%ers" one must have an AGI (adjusted gross income) of $343,927!! The millions and billions of dollars that I elude to as I continue to vilify the the nation's most prosperous citizens is nothing more than my usual 'smoke-screen.'  As is my promotion; the citizenry gets 'a bad taste in their mouths' when they hear 'millions; billions' as it relates to wealth they don't have!   This is an example of 'class-warfare' that actually works!!  Nothing breeds anxiety and anger more than money, or the lack thereof!!]
The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families who’ve been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress won’t act, I will.  This week, we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars. We’re making it easier for veterans to get jobs putting their skills to work in hospitals and community health centers. We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster. And we’re going to keep announcing more changes like these on a regular basis.  These steps will make a difference. But they won’t take the place of the bold action we need from Congress to get this economy moving again. That’s why I need all of you to make your voices heard. Tell Congress to stop playing politics and start taking action on jobs. If we want to rebuild an economy where every American has the chance to get ahead, we need every American to get involved. That’s how real change has always happened, and that’s how it’ll happen today.
[What I'm not telling you:  I know it's tough, but try to bear with me as we reveal the truth--at least part of the truth--behind my policies and the legislative kerfuffles in the Congress.  Revealing that truth about me telling little 'pinky' reid to stall on the republicRAT-passed legislation, was a bit premeature so far as this blather opportunity goes.  Notice how I usually vilify 'the Congress' in my blusterful blatherings?!?  To my advantage, the average American will normally focus on the House of Representatives, not the entire congress.  The Senate is doing my bidding by little 'pinky' reid's stall tactics.
    Much to my chagrin the Founding Fathers 'had-it-right' when they debated the merits, then approved the draft of the United States Constitution.  That the document was ratified by the required number of states, buttresses the basic logic contained therein.  The 'checks-and-balances' contained in the document makes my actions very difficult if not unconstitutional!!  The requirement that all financial, monetary legislation originate in the House of Representatives renders my Executive Orders unconstitutional on their face!  
    Take my Executive Order on student loans as an example:  I've managed to convince most of those with student loans--those educated in American colleges and universities--that my actions will save them untold amounts of money.  In actuality, the average student will save between $4.75 and $7.50 per month!!  Those with huge debt load (above $100k), will save a whooping $28.50 per month.  This is the relatively insignificant amount all those "occupy...." miscreants are demonstrating for!  I wasn't in favor of these demonstrations when George Soros started paying them to show up, nor when the current version of ACORN (with names like New York Communities for Change; New England United for Justice; et al) began aiding them.  The demonstrators are every bit the hypocrite the owe-bama Regime is:  the majority of demonstrators go home or to hotels during the cold, inclement over-night hours!!  
    Most of my "Executive Order" actions are either another duplication-of-effort, competing with current programs in place or they are a rehash of already-failed plans like the mortgage refinancing plan that very few Americans took advantage of!!   To correct the current housing kerfuffle and to prevent future kerfuffles; eliminate both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  The federal government should not be in the student-loan or the mortgage businesses!!  When I took over the student-loan programs, how many small businesses; how many jobs, were destroyed by my actions?!?]



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