Monday, March 29, 2010

This'n'That; March 29th[obamaLongTermCare;TaxFreedomDay]

[I found this at the site: ]

Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama told the American people that they will learn what is in the health care bill once it is passed. For once, they’re right.
Hidden in the fine print of the health care bill is yet another entitlement program that is being foisted on already overburdened American workers. The program purports to offer long term care, and hidden in the fine print is a new government right to automatically deduct $146.00 to $240.00 a month from the paychecks of unsuspecting workers.
Devin Nunes (R-CA) explains:
“This is a really scary proposition. The government passed a huge new entitlement program with gimmicks and tricks, and the American people don’t know that they’re going to be automatically enrolled in this by their employer if they don’t watch out.”
   This new program was not debated, discussed or analyzed by the public at large. Americans, once again, have had no say in another government entitlement scheme that Joe Six-Pack and Suzy Homemaker will be on the hook for.
   If you’re one of the lucky few that still gets a paycheck, be advised that your employer is going to automatically enroll you in this latest money grab by the government. Of course, you have the right to opt-out. Once you find out about it.
   One can only hope that the opt-out procedure won’t be as complicated as the opt-out provision for union membership. If it is, you could be paying this monthly donation for months, or even years, until your opt-out application is perfected and processed.
Have you had enough yet?

Tax Freedom Day!
[Tax Freedom Day is the first day of the year in which a nation as a whole has theoretically earned enough income to fund its annual tax burden. It is annually calculated in the United States by the Tax Foundation. Every dollar that is officially considered income by the government is counted, and every payment to the government that is officially considered a tax is counted. Taxes at all levels of government—local, state and federal—are included.

   The concept of Tax Freedom Day was developed in 1948 by Florida businessman Dallas Hostetler, who trademarked the phrase "Tax Freedom Day" and calculated it each year for the next two decades. In 1971, Hostetler retired and transferred the trademark to the Tax Foundation.]
I don't see how--given all the obama spending--but "Tax Freedom Day-2010" is projected to be the same as last year..... April 13th.
This means that hypothetically, every dollar; every cent; the American worker earns through April 13th will go to pay their share of local, county, state and federal taxes!!
Point-to-ponder:  Over 120 MILLION Americans pay NO TAX at all!! 
Many of those get rebates of TAXES THEY DIDN'T PAY!!
Til Nex'Time....



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